All three are at the same distance from us and, with Rigel, Saiph, and Meissa, probably formed at about the same time some ten million years ago. Here are some of its stars:



* Ori (Meissa) is Orion's head.

* a Ori (Betelgeuse), at its right shoulder, is a red star with a diameter larger than the orbit of Mars. Although it is the a-star, it is somewhat fainter than Rigel.

* Ori (Bellatrix), is at Orion's left shoulder.

* Ori (Alnitak), e Ori (Alnilam) and d Ori (Mintaka) make up the asterism known as Orion's Belt: three bright stars in a row; from these alone one can recognize Orion.

* Ori (Eta Orionis), between Delta Orionis and Rigel.

* Ori (Saiph) is at Orion's right knee.

* Ori (Rigel), at the constellation's left knee, is a large blue-white star, among the brightest in the sky. It has three companions, invisible to the naked eye.

* Ori (Hatsya) is at the tip of Orion's sword.



(thanks to https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Orion_(constellation) )